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Joint action for more permanent contracts and wage increase

VU De Boelelaan 1085, Amsterdam

On 25th of April at 12:00 pm, FNV and AOB will organize a protest in Amsterdam to increase pressure on employers for more permanent contracts for teachers and wage increases, as the last round of negotiations for the new collective labor agreement (CAO) is scheduled for the 12th of May. The protest will take place ... Read more

Demonstration Casual UvA: We are not disposable!

Roeterseiland Campus Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, Amsterdam

It has been 1 year since our marking strike, but our colleagues are still being replaced left and right. In order to express our continuing frustration about the precarious position of lecturers at the UvA, we organize a demonstration on Thursday 20 April at the Roeterseiland Campus (Nieuwe Achtergracht 166) in front of the ABC ... Read more

Know your rights, meet your representatives, form a network

{See below for English version} Beste docent, phd, UU collega, Academici zonder vaste aanstelling zijn vaak erg slecht op de hoogte van hun rechten, plichten, en positie als werknemer. Bovendien zijn ze dikwijls geïsoleerd, en maken zij niet tot zelden gebruik van medezeggenschap, institutionele ondersteuning of arbeidsrechten. Op donderdag middag 9 juni tussen 15.00 en ... Read more